R&B sensation Shanice, renowned for her hit “I Love Your Smile,” is courageously opening up about her breast cancer journey, urging women to stay vigilant with mammograms after her own decade-long gap in screenings. During a recent interview on “Good Morning America” on October 30, Shanice disclosed her diagnosis, sharing the emotional and physical challenges she faced after neglecting screenings for eight years.
The Grammy nominee, now 51, highlighted how a prior health scare in her 40s initially deterred her from further screenings. “Because of the fear that I had when they thought they saw something, I didn’t go for eight years,” Shanice said, explaining that her dense breast tissue complicated detection—an issue affecting many women, particularly those of African descent.
In March 2024, Shanice noticed a lump and decided to confront her fears by going for a mammogram. Doctors performed both a mammogram and an ultrasound, which revealed her cancer. Initially diagnosed as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), where cancer remains confined within the milk ducts, Shanice chose a proactive approach, undergoing a double mastectomy in May. Post-surgery, she was informed that she had a small, stage 1 tumor measuring one centimetre.
Reflecting on her journey, Shanice shared how the diagnosis momentarily stole her iconic smile: “When I had my surgery and they told me I had cancer, I literally lost my smile.” Determined to stay resilient, she continued, “But I wanted to come on the show to encourage women that you have to keep smiling. I got my smile back.”
Now in recovery, Shanice is committed to spreading awareness about the lifesaving potential of early detection. “If you get checked early, you can beat this thing. It’s not a death sentence. If you can get there early, you’ll live.” Her message underscores the importance of overcoming fear, as regular screenings can significantly reduce risks, potentially saving lives.