Nick Cannon, renowned comedian, actor, and creator of Wild ‘n Out, recently revealed his diagnosis with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) on his Counsel Culture podcast. During an open discussion with Dr. Cheyenne Bryant, a psychologist and life coach, Cannon shared how the diagnosis has deepened his commitment to mental health.
Cannon explained that the journey to understanding NPD was eye-opening. “It’s a spectrum,” he noted. “It starts with confidence—then overconfidence, arrogance… and then it becomes narcissism. But even with extreme narcissistic behavior, traits like lack of empathy or rage—I don’t have those.” His candid reflection underscores how NPD can manifest differently for each person.
Speaking to People magazine, Cannon disclosed that he sought testing due to his curiosity about his neurodivergence. Diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia as a child, Cannon has always felt different. “I kind of always knew,” he said, acknowledging his neurodivergent identity. The diagnosis of NPD, however, has been a transformative moment.
Rather than seeing it as a setback, Cannon views it as an opportunity for growth. He is determined to embrace therapy and mental health support. “I feel like there are so many labels out there,” Cannon said. “But to be able to say, ‘I’m healing. I need help. Show me,’ is powerful.” He emphasized that his openness about therapy is both for himself and to inspire others facing similar challenges.
Cannon’s revelation came shortly after he volunteered at Los Angeles Mission’s 88th annual Thanksgiving event. He highlighted the importance of using his platform to promote mental health awareness, noting, “Being an example for others while healing myself is a part of the journey.”
In a culture that often stigmatizes mental health, Cannon’s willingness to discuss his diagnosis sheds light on the importance of seeking help and embracing therapy. His story serves as a reminder that healing is a process, and self-awareness is a key step.