Keke Palmer recently shared heartfelt reflections on the advice Ice Cube gave her as a young actress navigating Hollywood. During an appearance on Club Shay Shay, Palmer opened up about a memorable moment on the set of the 2008 sports comedy The Longshots, where Ice Cube offered her “big brother” guidance to safeguard herself against exploitative individuals in the entertainment industry.
A Candid Conversation on Set
Palmer revealed that Ice Cube, known for his reserved demeanor, requested to speak with her privately during the filming of The Longshots. Initially apprehensive, the young actress was surprised by the rapper-actor’s fatherly advice.
“He told me, ‘You’re a beautiful young lady. You’re kind and nice to everyone on set, but you’re growing into a young woman. Sometimes, the way these men see you isn’t how you see yourself,’” Palmer recalled.
Ice Cube urged her to protect herself, remain cautious, and understand her value to prevent others from exploiting her. While Palmer admitted she didn’t fully grasp the importance of his words at age 14, she said, “It stuck with me and was so important for him to say.”
Gratitude for Ice Cube’s Wisdom
Reflecting on the conversation, Palmer expressed immense gratitude for Ice Cube’s guidance, noting that his perspective as a father and industry veteran made the advice invaluable. “I haven’t seen him since, but I’d love to thank him for reminding me of my worth and encouraging me to protect myself,” she said.
Navigating Life Beyond Hollywood
Palmer, now 30, has built an impressive career spanning acting, music, and authorship. Her memoir, Master of Me, delves into her personal and professional journey, including her experience as a mother to 1-year-old son Leodis.
She also touched on her recent breakup with her ex-boyfriend, Darius Jackson, calling it one of the hardest challenges she’s faced. Despite the complexities of their relationship, Palmer emphasized her commitment to maintaining a positive image of Jackson for their son.
“I didn’t want my son to think his father is a monster because he isn’t,” she wrote, showcasing her balanced perspective and dedication to fostering a healthy environment for her child.
A Lifelong Lesson
Keke Palmer’s story underscores the importance of mentorship and guidance for young women in challenging industries. Ice Cube’s advice not only resonated with her but also continues to influence how she navigates her life and career.