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Trump Hits Back at Obamas’ ‘Personal’ Attacks Following DNC Speeches

In a fiery response, former U.S. President Donald Trump criticized Barack and Michelle Obama for what he claimed were overly personal attacks during their speeches at the Democratic National Convention (DNC). Speaking at a rally in Asheboro, North Carolina, Trump expressed his displeasure with the former first couple’s remarks, particularly taking issue with their pointed criticism of his presidency.

During the DNC, both Obamas departed from their usual restraint, delivering harsh critiques of Trump. Michelle Obama, known for her famous line “when they go low, we go high,” appeared to abandon that philosophy, opting instead for a more direct approach. In her speech, she labeled Trump’s behavior as “petty, unhealthy, and, quite frankly, unpresidential,” accusing him of relying on “ugly, misogynistic, racist lies” instead of offering genuine solutions for the country.

Barack Obama also didn’t hold back, mocking Trump’s obsession with crowd sizes and portraying him as a perpetually aggrieved billionaire. The former president suggested that Trump’s relentless complaints had only intensified as he faced the possibility of losing to then-Vice President Kamala Harris, who was running alongside Joe Biden at the time.

Trump, who has a history of using Obama’s middle name, “Hussein,” to imply unfounded accusations about the former president’s religion, seemed particularly irked by the Obamas’ remarks. He accused them of crossing a line by making the attacks personal, a move that Trump himself is no stranger to, as he has frequently launched personal attacks against political opponents, including Kamala Harris.

At the North Carolina rally, Trump asked his supporters whether he should retaliate with personal attacks or focus on policy, a question that was met with enthusiasm for the former. Despite advisors urging Trump to focus on Harris’s political record, the former president has continued to use derogatory names and make baseless claims about her background.

The Obamas’ speeches at the DNC marked a significant shift in tone for the Democratic Party, which seemed to embrace a more confrontational approach against Trump. The sharp rhetoric from both Barack and Michelle Obama indicated a willingness to engage directly with Trump’s tactics, setting the stage for a contentious battle in the lead-up to the election.

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