Martin Lawrence and Eddie Murphy, two comedy icons now set to become in-laws, are turning wedding plans into comedy gold. Lawrence recently revealed he will cover the costs for his eldest daughter Jasmin’s upcoming nuptials to Murphy’s eldest son, Eric. The announcement comes after the couple shared their engagement news in a heartwarming Instagram reel on November 27.
Lawrence Takes the Wedding Bill in Stride
During an appearance on Big Boy’s Neighborhood on REAL 92.3, Lawrence discussed his comedy tour, upcoming projects, and the lighter side of becoming in-laws with Murphy. When asked who would foot the bill for the wedding, Lawrence joked, “Eddie said I gotta pay for it. He paid for his last daughter’s wedding—and like the last six weddings—so he said it’s my turn now.”
Despite the ribbing, Lawrence was lighthearted about his new role as father-of-the-bride. “I don’t mind,” he said with a laugh. The friendly banter between the comedy legends isn’t new; both have previously joked about the topic. On Jimmy Kimmel Live! in 2022, Lawrence quipped about convincing Murphy to take care of the expenses, while Murphy humorously refused during a separate interview with Canadian outlet Etalk, telling Lawrence not to “switch it up.”
A Blue Streak Reunion
While the wedding banter has fans laughing, Lawrence and Murphy are also teaming up professionally. The duo is set to co-write a sequel to the hit 1999 action-comedy Blue Streak. Lawrence confirmed the project during appearances on The Jennifer Hudson Show and Big Boy’s Neighborhood. Their reunion is sure to delight fans eager to see their comedic chemistry on screen again.
Love in the Spotlight
Jasmin Lawrence and Eric Murphy, who went public with their relationship in 2021, have captured fans’ hearts with their romance. Their engagement video showcased the couple’s love story, set against a backdrop of warmth and celebration. The wedding will undoubtedly be a star-studded event, with comedy royalty on both sides.
From Comedy Icons to In-Laws
The relationship between the Lawrences and Murphys brings a unique blend of humor, love, and star power. While Lawrence jokingly takes on the wedding expenses, fans are looking forward to more laughs—and possibly more collaboration—between the legendary comedians.