Fana Mokoena, a prominent figure in South African politics and a renowned actor, has officially stepped down from his position as a Member of Parliament for the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). Alongside this, he has also resigned from the party’s Central Command Team. His departure marks another significant resignation within the EFF, as more prominent figures have recently left the party, sparking speculation and concern about the party’s internal stability.
Mokoena’s Exit from Parliament
On 17 October, Fana Mokoena confirmed his resignation from both Parliament and his role within the EFF’s leadership structure. His resignation came shortly after the announcement of another high-profile resignation—that of former Public Protector, Busi Mkhwebane. Mkhwebane had revealed her departure from the EFF just one day earlier during a podcast interview.
Mokoena had only recently taken up his position as an MP during the seventh administration, and his sudden exit has raised eyebrows among political commentators and South Africans alike.
A Pattern of Resignations in the EFF
Mokoena’s departure is not an isolated event. The EFF has seen several high-profile members exit the party in recent months. Among them is Floyd Shivambu, the party’s co-founder and former deputy president, whose departure sent shockwaves through the EFF’s ranks. Shivambu, along with Mzwanele Manyi, both left the EFF to join the newly established MK Party. These resignations have caused growing concerns about the party’s cohesion and future trajectory.
Public Reaction
Many South Africans have noted the increasing trend of prominent EFF members leaving the party, leading to speculation about possible internal tensions. Some have viewed Mokoena’s resignation as a potential bad omen for the party’s future, particularly with the 2024 national elections on the horizon.
While the reasons behind these departures remain speculative, the EFF leadership has yet to issue a comprehensive statement addressing the exodus of members. However, these recent developments are sure to fuel ongoing debates about the party’s internal dynamics and its ability to maintain a unified front moving forward.
As the EFF faces this phase of transformation, it remains to be seen whether more resignations will follow and how the party will manage its evolving leadership challenges.