
The Manyofonyofo Smell Around Nathi Mthethwa’s Bonganathi Mzansi Orchestra Deal: Tsepo Mhlongo and Tshepo Mashiane’s Take

Tsepo Mhlongo and Tshepo Mashiane have weighed in on the controversy surrounding former Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa’s Bonganathi Mzansi Orchestra. Speaking on the Thivi Network Podcast, they didn’t hold back on why they believe something smells fishy in the handling of the multi-million rand project. They also had a few words for the new Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture, Zizi Kodwa, as he steps into the shoes of his predecessor.

The Orchestra Deal in Question

The Bonganathi Mzansi Orchestra, a project sanctioned during Mthethwa’s time in office, has drawn significant criticism. With millions of rands pumped into it, Mhlongo and Mashiane believe that the deal reeks of “manyofonyofo” — a slang term often used to refer to something shady or suspect.

Mhlongo, a vocal member of the DA, raised questions about the transparency and accountability of the funds allocated to this orchestra. He feels that the public has been left in the dark about where these millions have gone. The orchestra, meant to promote local talent and showcase South African musical excellence, instead seems to have fallen short of its promises, with little to show for the vast financial investment.

Mashiane, an outspoken cultural commentator, echoed Mhlongo’s sentiments. He pointed out that while the arts and culture sector in South Africa continues to struggle, particularly post-pandemic, such exorbitant spending on a single project is unjustifiable. He went further to say that the decision to allocate such large sums reflects a disconnect between the leadership and the real needs of artists on the ground.

Zizi Kodwa’s Role

With Zizi Kodwa now at the helm, both Mhlongo and Mashiane are cautiously optimistic yet skeptical about what lies ahead. Mashiane believes that Kodwa has the potential to bring fresh leadership to the department but warns that if he follows in Mthethwa’s footsteps, the arts and culture sector will continue to be plagued by mismanagement and wasteful expenditure.

Mhlongo, on the other hand, was a bit more critical, expressing doubts about Kodwa’s ability to clean up the mess left behind by his predecessor. He stated that while it’s early days, Kodwa needs to prioritise accountability and ensure that future projects benefit the broader arts community, rather than a select few.

The Thivi Network Podcast: A Platform for Open Dialogue

The Thivi Network Podcast has been gaining traction as a platform for political and social commentary in South Africa. With Mhlongo and Mashiane’s fiery perspectives on the Bonganathi Mzansi Orchestra deal, the podcast continues to provide a space for voices that challenge the status quo.

In this particular episode, the duo made it clear that the arts and culture sector in South Africa needs urgent attention. They argue that for the country’s artists to thrive, there needs to be less focus on flashy, multi-million rand projects and more emphasis on grassroots support and development.

Final Thoughts

The discussion between Mhlongo and Mashiane highlights the ongoing issues within South Africa’s arts and culture sector. With millions seemingly wasted on high-profile projects, many feel that the country’s struggling artists have been sidelined. As Zizi Kodwa takes over the reins, the pressure is on to bring real change — something that Mhlongo and Mashiane are adamant cannot wait any longer.

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