Politics & Legal

South Africa’s New Parliament: 400 MPs to be Sworn In

Following the 2024 South African elections, 400 MPs from 18 parties are set to be sworn in on Friday, marking a significant shift in the country’s political landscape. The African National Congress (ANC) saw a notable decline in seats, while the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the MK party made gains. Following the 2024 South African elections held on May 29, the all-important regional and national seat allocations have been confirmed. The new 400-member parliament will be sworn in on Friday, March 14, reflecting a significant shift in the country’s political dynamics.

Election Results and Party Representation

In total, 18 parties secured seats in the new parliament, an increase from the 14 parties that won seats in 2019. The distribution of seats highlights a changing political landscape:

African National Congress (ANC): The ANC experienced a significant drop in its number of seats, falling from 230 in 2019 to 159 in 2024. This decline means the ANC no longer holds the ‘magical’ 201-seat majority required to retain sole power.

Democratic Alliance (DA): The DA saw a slight improvement, increasing its seats from 84 in 2019 to 87 in 2024.

MK Party: The MK party emerged as a major winner, going from zero seats in the previous election to an impressive 58 seats.

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF): The EFF experienced a reduction in seats, dropping from 44 to 39.

Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP): The IFP also saw an increase, moving from 14 seats to 17.

Gender and Age Representation

The new parliament will be composed of 174 females (43.5%) and 226 males (56.5%), showcasing a strong representation of women in the legislative body. The age range of the incoming MPs is diverse, with the youngest MP being 20-year-old Cleo Wilskut from the Patriotic Alliance, making her the youngest MP in South Africa’s history. At the other end of the spectrum, the oldest MP is 76-year-old Christian Hattingh from the Democratic Alliance.

MP Salaries and Compensation

Following President Cyril Ramaphosa’s recent approval of a below-inflation 2.5% salary hike, MPs will now earn R1.27 million annually, which translates to over R100,000 per month. This salary adjustment places MPs among the highest-paid individuals in South Africa.

Full List of MPs – Elected-Reps_National_Assembly-2024

The full list of the 400 elected national and regional representatives set to be sworn in on Friday, March 14, reflects the diverse and evolving political landscape of South Africa. This new parliament marks a critical period in South African politics, with new faces and shifting power dynamics poised to influence the country’s future.

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