Health & Education

North West Health Officials Apologise After ‘Dead’ Woman Found Alive

The North West Department of Health has apologized to a family after a mix-up led them to believe their relative had died. Seventy-two-year-old Dorothy Magape was mistakenly declared dead, causing significant distress before the error was discovered and she was found alive. In a distressing mix-up, health officials in North West, South Africa, have issued a formal apology to the family of Dorothy Magape, a 72-year-old resident of Delareyville, after mistakenly informing them of her death. Magape had been admitted to Gelukspan Hospital for treatment when a relative, Nsomanga Skosana, was incorrectly told that she had passed away. Too traumatized to view the body at the time, Skosana conveyed the tragic news to the family, leading them to begin funeral arrangements.

The family, deeply affected by the news, began receiving condolences from neighbors and made plans for relatives from afar to attend the funeral. The situation took an unexpected turn when a hospital porter contacted them to inform them that Magape was, in fact, still alive. She was later discharged from the hospital, leaving the family in shock and relief.

The hospital revealed that the mix-up occurred because Magape shared a similar surname with another deceased patient. Tshegofatso Mothibedi, spokesperson for the North West Department of Health, explained that an investigation had been launched following the incident. “A nurse on shift mistakenly mixed up the files and informed the wrong family of their loved one’s death,” he said. “Upon realizing the error, the nurse promptly corrected the mistake.”

To address the situation, a delegation led by the hospital’s CEO and other senior officials visited the family to offer a personal apology. “We are currently providing the family with counseling and have assured them of our support during this difficult time,” Mothibedi stated. “The hospital has implemented stringent measures to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.”

This incident highlights the importance of accurate communication and thorough verification processes within healthcare settings to avoid unnecessary distress to patients and their families.

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