Politics & Legal

Minister Senzo Mchunu Returns from Global Public Security Forum in China

South Africa’s Minister of Police, Senzo Mchunu, has returned from the Global Public Security Cooperation Forum held in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, China. Addressing the forum, Mchunu emphasised the importance of global collaboration in tackling crime, saying, “Crime is a global issue that transcends borders, and no country, regardless of its crime rate, can tackle it alone.” The event attracted global leaders, all focused on public safety and security challenges.

During his visit, Mchunu held a key bilateral meeting with China’s Minister of Public Security, Wang Xiaohong, where both discussed deepening cooperation between South Africa and China, particularly in the area of public security. According to police spokesperson Brigadier Athlenda Mathe, the meeting highlighted the commitment of both nations to working together on pressing security issues.

Strengthening Crime-Fighting Capabilities

Both ministers expressed their intent to roll out joint programmes and training initiatives that will enhance the capabilities of law enforcement agencies in South Africa and China. This collaboration will be especially beneficial in combating sophisticated criminal activities that threaten both nations.

The meeting also underscored the critical role of technology in crime detection and prevention. Mchunu noted that advanced tools and technology can significantly improve crime intelligence, helping law enforcement agencies to stay ahead of criminal networks.

Financial Support from China

Mchunu acknowledged the financial aid pledged by Chinese President Xi Jinping during President Cyril Ramaphosa’s recent state visit to China. The funding will support South Africa’s fight against crime and corruption, further cementing the long-standing partnership between the two countries.

Global Security Requires International Cooperation

Reflecting on the outcomes of the forum, Mchunu reiterated that crime is a global issue that no single country can combat alone. “International cooperation between countries and law enforcement agencies, such as Interpol, is essential in fighting transnational crime,” he said. The minister emphasised that public security must be a collaborative effort, requiring consensus, cooperation, and constant information sharing among global partners.

He concluded by expressing his appreciation for the forum, recognising the platform it provided for strengthening South Africa’s relationships with global security agencies. Mchunu’s attendance at the forum signals South Africa’s commitment to building stronger international alliances in the fight against crime.


Mchunu’s participation in the Global Public Security Forum reaffirms South Africa’s dedication to tackling crime through international cooperation. As crime continues to evolve and transcend borders, it is clear that collaboration with global security agencies is key to building a safer society. With partnerships like these, South Africa is poised to enhance its law enforcement capabilities and stay ahead of sophisticated criminal threats.

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