
India Condemns Iran’s Supreme Leader for Remarks on Muslim Minorities

India expressed strong condemnation after Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, voiced concerns over the treatment of Muslim minorities in India. In a recent social media post, Khamenei linked the suffering of Muslims in India to other regions such as Myanmar and Gaza, stating, “Muslims cannot ignore the suffering of their brethren.” He urged the Islamic world to unite against oppression.

India’s foreign ministry quickly rebuked the remarks, labelling them as “misinformation” and “unacceptable.” The ministry further advised Iran to “review its own human rights record” before commenting on India’s internal matters.

The Iranian leader’s comments come amid growing international scrutiny of India’s treatment of its 200 million Muslim citizens, particularly under the rule of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Human rights organisations have highlighted incidents of discrimination, mob violence, and hate speech against Muslims in India. A Human Rights Watch report revealed Modi made Islamophobic remarks in at least 110 speeches during his election campaign.

While India and Iran maintain strong bilateral ties, including a 10-year agreement to develop Iran’s Chabahar Port, Khamenei has not shied away from criticising India’s treatment of Muslims, especially in Kashmir. In 2020, after violent riots in New Delhi, Khamenei condemned the deaths of 53 people, calling the incident a “massacre of Muslims.” India, in response, has consistently rejected these accusations, citing Tehran’s own human rights abuses, particularly in handling women and minorities.

Iran’s History of Criticism

This is not the first time Khamenei has raised concerns about Indian Muslims. In 2019, after the Modi government revoked Kashmir’s special status and imposed restrictions in the region, Khamenei voiced support for Kashmir’s Muslim population, urging India to adopt a just approach.

Iran itself has faced backlash over human rights issues, including the death of Mahsa Amini, which triggered protests in 2022. A crackdown during these protests resulted in over 500 deaths and 22,000 arrests. Despite these concerns, Iran continues to project itself as a champion of Muslim rights globally, even while dealing with accusations of severe domestic repression.

India-Iran Relations Amid Tensions

Despite these diplomatic disputes, India and Iran continue to collaborate on key economic projects, most notably the Chabahar Port, which aims to boost trade between India, Iran, and Central Asia. The project allows India to bypass Pakistani ports, enhancing its strategic presence in the region.

While the two nations share common economic goals, their relationship remains strained by periodic disagreements over sensitive issues like human rights and religious freedoms. For India, Khamenei’s repeated criticisms have become a diplomatic thorn, especially at a time when Modi’s government is already under the spotlight for its majoritarian policies.


India’s swift rejection of Khamenei’s remarks is a clear indication of the government’s sensitivity to international scrutiny over its treatment of Muslim minorities. While both nations continue to foster economic ties, religious and human rights issues continue to pose a challenge to their relationship. As the global focus on the treatment of minorities in India intensifies, the Modi government finds itself navigating increasingly complex international waters.

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