Politics & Legal

ANC in Negotiations to Oust Joburg Mayor Kabelo Gwamanda

The ANC in Gauteng is strategizing to reclaim the mayoral posts in Tshwane and Johannesburg. Following plans to unseat Tshwane mayor Cilliers Brink, the party now targets Joburg mayor Kabelo Gwamanda, aiming to reinstate Dada Morero. The African National Congress (ANC) in Gauteng has set its sights on regaining control of the mayoral posts in Tshwane and Johannesburg. After expressing intentions to remove Tshwane mayor Cilliers Brink through a no-confidence motion, the party is now focused on ousting Johannesburg mayor Kabelo Gwamanda. The ANC is reportedly negotiating with other parties to facilitate this change and restore Dada Morero to the mayoral position.

Kabelo Gwamanda, a member of the small Al Jama-ah party, has served as Johannesburg’s mayor for over a year. However, his tenure has been marked by criticism, with many questioning his ability to effectively manage South Africa’s largest and most economically significant city.

The ANC’s plans to reclaim the mayoral position are driven by the belief that Johannesburg requires stronger leadership to navigate its numerous challenges. Dada Morero, who previously held the mayoral office for a brief 25-day stint in 2022 before his removal, is seen as a potential candidate to bring stability and improvement to the city’s administration.

The Al Jama-ah party, meanwhile, remains engaged in ongoing discussions with its coalition partners regarding the ANC’s moves. While these talks continue, the political landscape in Johannesburg remains uncertain, with potential shifts in leadership looming on the horizon.

The ANC’s strategy to reclaim mayoral positions in both Tshwane and Johannesburg underscores its broader goal of reasserting its influence and control in key municipalities across Gauteng. The party’s efforts highlight the ongoing political maneuvers and alliances that shape the governance of South Africa’s major urban centers.

As the situation develops, Johannesburg’s residents and stakeholders are closely watching the unfolding political dynamics, hopeful for leadership that can effectively address the city’s pressing needs and drive positive change.

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