Politics & Legal

ANC Expels Former President Jacob Zuma Amid Political Turmoil

The African National Congress (ANC) has expelled former president Jacob Zuma following his endorsement and leadership of the uMkhonto Wesizwe Party (MKP), a move that significantly impacted the ANC’s performance in the recent elections. In a move that has sent shockwaves through South African politics, the African National Congress (ANC) has expelled former president Jacob Zuma. This decision follows Zuma’s public endorsement and subsequent leadership of the uMkhonto Wesizwe Party (MKP) ahead of the crucial 29 May elections. Zuma’s actions dealt a significant blow to the ANC’s electoral performance, with the party securing just 40% of the national vote compared to the MKP’s impressive 14%.

Zuma faced two serious charges: collaborating with another political organization, the MKP, and joining a political party not aligned with the ANC. The disciplinary hearings, held virtually, concluded that Zuma had violated the ANC Constitution. A leaked document from the hearing confirmed the findings against Zuma, leading to his expulsion.

Zuma now has 21 days to appeal the decision with the National Disciplinary Committee of Appeal. This expulsion marks a dramatic turn in the career of one of South Africa’s most controversial political figures.

The President of the African National Congress Veterans’ League, Snuki Zikalala, expressed his support for the decision. In an interview with Newzroom Afrika, Zikalala stated that Zuma’s expulsion was long overdue and necessary for the integrity of the party and society. He emphasized that while Zuma has the right to appeal, his actions in establishing and leading the MKP, while claiming to remain a member of the ANC, were unacceptable.

Zikalala’s remarks underscore the ANC’s stance on internal discipline and adherence to party principles. He stressed that regardless of one’s status within the party, any member who crosses the line must face disciplinary action.

This expulsion highlights the growing factionalism within the ANC and raises questions about the future of the party and its ability to maintain unity in the face of internal and external challenges. As the ANC navigates this turbulent period, the expulsion of Jacob Zuma will likely have lasting implications on South Africa’s political landscape.

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