Cristel Nchama, a prominent figure in the ongoing scandal surrounding Baltasar Engonga, former director-general of Equatorial Guinea’s National Financial Investigation Agency (ANIF), has taken legal action after a series of explicit videos involving Engonga and various women, including herself, went viral. In a formal complaint lodged with the National Gendarmerie in Malabo, Nchama has accused Engonga of betraying her trust, divulging details of their four-year relationship and the distress caused by the public release of the tapes.
The scandal surrounding Engonga has intensified in recent days after fraud investigators allegedly found nearly 400 explicit recordings during a raid on his property. The tapes reportedly show Engonga with numerous high-profile women, including his brother’s wife, a cousin, the sister of Equatorial Guinea’s president, and the spouses of several top officials, such as the director-general of police and around 20 government ministers’ wives. Shockingly, many of the recordings were allegedly filmed in Engonga’s office, in hotels, and in private bathrooms, with the apparent consent of those involved.
In her statement to authorities, Nchama expressed her sense of betrayal, noting how Engonga had initially assured her that any recordings of their intimate moments would be deleted. She claimed that he manipulated her trust and disclosed how she initially resisted being filmed. The leak, she says, has caused irreparable damage to her reputation and personal dignity.
Nchama also blamed Bello, a third party, whom she alleges was responsible for distributing the videos publicly. “I am humiliated,” she stated, underscoring the profound impact the leaked tapes have had on her personal life. “My reputation and honour have been damaged. I need to know why these images were kept and how they ended up in the public eye.”
In addition to filing a legal complaint, Nchama is seeking reparations from Engonga, aiming to restore her personal dignity and address the significant harm she says the scandal has inflicted on her.
The government has responded by dismissing Engonga from his role at ANIF. Furthermore, several public officials allegedly involved in similar activities on government premises have been suspended as the scandal continues to unfold.