
Brandenburg Islamic Center Banned Amid Alleged Hamas Links

German authorities have taken decisive action against the Islamic Center Fürstenwalde (IZF) in Brandenburg, banning and raiding the organization over alleged links to the militant group Hamas. The move comes amidst growing concerns about extremist influences within certain Islamic institutions in Germany.

Background of the Islamic Center Fürstenwalde

Founded in 2018, the IZF operates the al-Salaam Mosque and provides religious services to Muslims in the region. The center is situated approximately 80 kilometers (50 miles) southeast of Berlin. According to Brandenburg’s Interior Minister Michael Stübgen, the IZF is closely connected to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, two organizations deemed as promoting extremist ideologies.

Allegations of Extremism

Stübgen didn’t mince words, stating the IZF “acts against the free democratic order, spreads antisemitic narratives, and denies Israel’s right to exist.” The German government, along with the EU and many other Western nations, classifies Hamas as a terrorist group, which has fueled their actions against the IZF.

The Interior Minister’s concerns reflect a growing sentiment that groups like the IZF could undermine Germany’s democratic values. Authorities have repeatedly stated that they won’t tolerate activities linked to extremist ideologies that promote antisemitism or violent political agendas.

The Raid and Seizures

The raid on the IZF involved around 70 police officers who searched the center’s premises in Fürstenwalde, as well as homes in nearby Brandenburg and Berlin, where the mosque’s imam resides. Authorities seized laptops, documents, and a substantial amount of cash during the raids. Brandenburg’s intelligence chief, Joerg Mueller, explained that such centers pose a threat by exposing Muslims to extremist ideologies through their activities.

Broader Context and Political Impact

This is not the first time German authorities have raided an Islamic institution over suspected extremism. Just a few months ago, another high-profile raid took place at the Hamburg Islamic Center, which was accused of having ties to Iran and Hezbollah.

Thursday’s actions come at a critical time, as Brandenburg is set to hold state elections in just 10 days. The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, known for its anti-immigration stance, is currently leading the polls. This raid and subsequent ban of the IZF could further influence the political landscape in the state, as issues around immigration, integration, and extremism remain at the forefront of public discourse.


Germany’s decision to ban the IZF reflects its zero-tolerance policy towards organizations associated with extremist ideologies. While the raid is a direct response to concerns over Hamas connections, it also highlights Germany’s broader efforts to curtail the spread of Islamist extremism. The timing of the ban, just days before Brandenburg’s state elections, underscores the political and societal sensitivity surrounding these issues.

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