Renowned South African actress Connie Chiume, known for her roles in “Black Panther” and local television dramas, has passed away at the age of 72. Connie Chiume, a beloved figure in the entertainment industry, has died at the age of 72. The veteran actress, who captivated audiences worldwide with her performances, passed away in hospital.
Chiume’s career spanned over three decades, starting on the theatre stage before she became a household name on mainstream television. She was celebrated for her versatile acting skills and her ability to bring depth and authenticity to her characters.
Her most notable role internationally was in the blockbuster film “Black Panther,” where she portrayed one of the elders. In South Africa, she was best known for her role as Mamokete in the popular television drama “Rhythm City.” Her portrayal of the caring and resilient character won her numerous accolades and endeared her to many viewers. More recently, Chiume starred as Mama Sonto in the hit series “Gomora,” further solidifying her status as a television icon.
Chiume’s contributions to the arts were significant, and her legacy will continue to inspire future generations of actors and actresses. Her passing marks the end of an era for South African entertainment, but her performances will remain cherished by fans worldwide.