For the first time since its launch in 2013, Telegram has reported profitability. This achievement comes as the messaging app, led by Russian-born CEO Pavel Durov, continues to face global scrutiny for its role in spreading misinformation and illegal content.
Telegram’s Financial Milestone
Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, announced the milestone in a post on X (formerly Twitter), revealing the company had paid down a significant portion of its R37.1 billion debt. The app generated total revenue of R18.6 billion in 2024 and currently holds over R9.3 billion in cash reserves, excluding its cryptoassets.
With more than 900 million active users worldwide, Telegram has cemented itself as a prominent player in the social media landscape.
Challenges with Content Moderation
Despite its financial success, Telegram is under fire for its alleged role in hosting harmful content. French prosecutors recently charged Durov for crimes committed on the platform, barring him from leaving France.
Telegram has been accused of failing to act against child sexual abuse materials, white supremacist propaganda, and misinformation. For instance:
- Spain Flood Misinformation: During deadly floods that claimed over 150 lives in Spain, Telegram became a hub for misinformation, with false claims about the death toll and conspiracies about the storm being man-made.
- Extremist Recruitment: In the US, civil rights groups have flagged Telegram as a tool for white supremacist groups to recruit and amplify racist conspiracies.
Devon Spurgeon, a Telegram spokesperson, defended the app, stating it combats misinformation by only delivering content users subscribe to and offering a verification system for official channels. Spurgeon emphasized that Telegram avoids algorithms that promote sensational content.
Global Scrutiny of Telegram
Telegram’s commitment to privacy and encryption has attracted users globally, but it has also made the app a target of criticism from governments:
- European Union: Authorities have taken issue with Telegram’s lack of responsiveness to takedown requests.
- Moldova: Officials alleged that the app was used in a Russia-backed operation to destabilize the country.
- Authoritarian Regimes: Russia and Iran have criticised Telegram for hosting opposition groups while using the app themselves for state propaganda.
Telegram’s Future Outlook
Despite controversies, Telegram’s profitability signals growth potential. However, the company faces pressure to balance its privacy-focused philosophy with increasing demands for content regulation.
As misinformation and extremist content spread via its platform, Telegram must navigate a fine line between upholding user freedom and addressing global concerns over its role in hosting harmful content.